Friday, May 23, 2014

Most U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan attack houses

President Obama is a mass murderer. I think most people know that by now, but just in case anyone isn't aware, I figured it bears repeating.

Also, Obama has redefined "militant" to mean any military-aged male killed in a drone strike -- in other words, he has redefined "civilian" to not count any male above the age of 18 regardless of whether they are actually a civilian. So, I would always assume the civilian death tolls are way underestimated, and likewise that the terrorist body count is always quite exaggerated (when the numbers come through the U.S. government or its allies in some way, that is).

And speaking of terrorism, when we're talking about blowing up homes at will from the other side of the world via remote control planes without the ability to know exactly who is inside the home and the blast radius, who's the really the terrorist in that scenario?

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