Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fifty Ways to Leave Leviathan

The struggle to be free is beautiful and inspiring. Here are 50 ways people are working around the State and toward a better future.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The racket, illustrated

The National Park shutdown is a perfect illustration of the extortion racket we live under. They claim much of the most beautiful land in North America, force us all to pay for its upkeep, and then periodically close the land to punish us and manipulate us into giving them more money and power.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Washington Monument Syndrome

"The Washington Monument syndrome, also known as the Mount Rushmore Syndrome, or the firemen first principle, is a political tactic used in the United States by government agencies when faced with budget cuts or a government shutdown. The tactic entails cutting the most visible or appreciated service provided by the government, from popular services such as national parks and libraries to valued public employees such as teachers and firefighters. This is done to gain support for tax increases that the public would otherwise be against."

...'cause if they actually cut the empire, we'd all benefit immensely and the people would demand even more government shutdowns. So, they can't do that.