Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Boo" to the Golden Rule? WTF?

The video below highlights something for which I am sincerely grateful to Ron Paul. He taught me to truly view all people as individual's with natural, unalienable rights. Not only my neighbors and peers, not only all Americans who are fortunate enough to live under the U.S. Constitution (whatever shred of it remains), but "all men" (and women) as laid out definitively in the Declaration of Independence.

In the video, some in the crowd at the South Carolina debate Monday night boo Ron Paul for suggesting that we apply the Golden Rule in our dealings with other countries. 

Yes, the Golden Rule...you know, that radical and controversial philosophy that says that we should treat others the way we’d want to be treated. The rule might suggest, among other things, that we not carry out regular drone strikes inside other countries which result in the death of innocent civilians, or that we not invade and occupy sovereign nations for years on end, or that we not prop up brutal dictators that serve our interests in certain countries while using covert operations to overthrow uncooperative governments in others.

Ron Paul dares to suggest that this behavior on the part of our government might, just might, cause resentment and anger in those unfortunate enough to find themselves among the collateral damage of U.S. foreign policy.

Nonsense! How naive! How isolationist! How unpatriotic! Boooooooo!

Ok, seriously, what could possibly be boo-worthy about this?

Without this respect of innocent life, of individual liberty, and of the natural and unalienable rights of all people, this country is doomed. And no amount of military power and might will be able save it. 

God help us when one day we find ourselves at the mercy of a superpower that flouts the Golden Rule.

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